Due to the increased cost of the mailing of our newsletter we can no
longer afford to continue our current mailing to non-paying members. This
will be the last to those not currently with paid dues or who do not mail
their dues prior to the next newsletter mailing in March.
Please send your dues to Hugs East P.O. Box 253, Mentor, Ohio 44060. If
your not currently paid and would like to remain on the mailing list,
please submit your dues by the next scheduled newsletter. Current
newsletters will still be available on Thursday nights at the Mentor site
for those who are not on the mailing list.
NAME:______________________________ Membership
ADDRESS:___________________________ Individual: $8.00
CITY & STATE_______________________ Student: $5.00
ZIP CODE:__________________________ Household: $10.00
PHONE #(optional)___________________ Supporter: $25.00
EMAIL (optional) ____________________ Contributor: $50.00
Benefactor: $100.00
AMOUNT ENCLOSED:_________________
(circle one) I would like my newsletter sent to me via email in a PDF
format instead of
sent via the post office. Please
include email address above if you circled yes.
*Dues run from January thru December.
To update our membership list we ask that you complete the above
information. Even if you were a current member, we would like to update
our records to show current information. This will ensure your copy of the
newsletter. Membership dues are suggested amounts. Please feel free to pay
more if you can, less if you cannot. All members share the same
privileges. Make check or money order payable to: HUGS EAST P.O. Box 253
Mentor, Ohio 44061-0253, or bring to the Mentor site any Thursday evening
(7pm to 9pm).
_____ Do not send HUGS EAST newsletter to my home.
**$8.00-$10.00 dues are not tax deductible; amounts paid over said dues
are considered contributions and are tax deductible.