Calendar of Events
May, 2002
NutraSweet and Your Health — Virgina
Book Review.
— Terry
Please bring in a book to discuss.
An Episode of "Six Feet Under.”
— Kevin
Coming Out. —
Movie "Get Real."
— Eric
June, 2002
Terry’s Shenanigans. —Terry
Pride Prep. —
06/20 Planning Meeting
& Open Rap.
— Rhonda
Board Game "Cranium." — Mark
Hugs Social Activities for May & June
05/18 5:00 PM
Dinner at
Lemon Grass (Thai) 2179 Lee Road, Cleveland Hts., OH Corner of
Lee Road & Cedar Road. (Next to the Cedar Lee Theater.)
06/01 12:00 PM
Geveva on the
Lake Outing. Meet at Eddie’s Grill, 5377 Lake Road East, Geneva
on the Lake, OH. Food, Miniature Golf,
Arcade Games, and Fun, Fun, Fun.....
06/22 6:00 PM
Dinner at
Aladdin’s Eatery (Middle East).
775 SOM Center, Mayfield Village, OH
Corner of Route 91 (SOM) and Wilson Mills Road
Other Events for May & June
Pride Parade and Festival, parade steps
off from Cleveland State University, festival is at
Voinovich Park; for info call (216) 371-0214 or visit on the web.
06/22 “Sing Out”.
North Coast
Men’s Chorus concert,
06/23 8 PM on Saturday, June 22nd
and 3 PM on Sunday,
June 23 rd, Waetjen
Auditorium, Cleveland State
Univ., 2001 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH. (800) 766-6048. Single ticket
prices: $15 in advance;
$20 at the door. Tickets available at
or by calling 1-800-766-6048. |
more details regarding any social event or meeting topic please call the
information line at (440) 974-8909.
The Thursday evening meeting begins at 7:00
PM and is located at: 8521 East Ave., Mentor, OH 44060
HUGS Flea Market
On June 29,
2002 (rain date of July 13, 2002) HUGS will hold a flea market fund
raiser at the Lake County Fairgrounds. If you would like to donate items
to the flea market, please have the items priced and drop them off
Saturday, June 29, 2002 around 8:30 AM at the fairgrounds. If you are
unable to drop off your items Saturday morning you may drop them off
Thursday, June 27, 2001 at the HUGS meeting (8521 East Ave., Mentor, OH
44060, between 7 PM and 9 PM).
Volunteers are needed to man the
table. Please stop by HUGS some Thursday evening or call the information
line ((440) 974-8909) to sign up for a time to man the table.
All unsold items will be donated
to Goodwill.
The Fairgrounds are located at
1301 Mentor Ave., Painesville Township, OH 44070.
Forbes House Spring Cleanup
Once again HUGS has volunteered
to help Forbes House (battered women's shelter) cleanup their yard after
the long winter. If you would like to help with the cleanup, meet us at
the Painesville McDonalds on May 25, 2002 at 7:30 AM. After eating
breakfast we will head over to the house and begin the cleanup. It
shouldn’t take longer than a couple hours to complete the task. You may
also meet use at Forbes House at 8:00 AM.
The Painesville McDonalds is
located at 95 Richmond Road, Painesville, OH 44077
Please Make a Note of it. . .
On Thursday, July 4, 2002, HUGS
will not be open due to the holiday.
Have a wonderful Independence
Day. |